Letter from President
David Floyer

Welcome to the DiaNova Foundation!

DiaNova focuses on folks who have intimacy anxiety. These folks look absolutely normal, but find great difficulty in forming intimate relationships. They avoid them. They make up stories about why they are not dating.

As they get older, life becomes desperately lonely for them. They yearn to create a family, and maybe have kids. They yearn to be part of “normal” society. The ache gets worse every year.

A lot of them seek therapy. But the traditional treatment method, talk therapy, doesn’t work at all well with this group of folks. There are 10 million of these folks in the US. And many have given up hope altogether.

The DiaNova Foundation focuses on bringing hope and social connection to these folks. The joy of people who are now able to enter relationships and take an active part in society again is tremendous.

The impetus for DiaNova came from the work of Dr. Elaine Floyer. In her research, she provided a theoretical framework for the problem. This has lead to treatment methods that reduce the failure rate of treatment from 90% to less than 10%. These treatments include touch therapy as an integral part.

The DiaNova Foundation has a laser focus on helping 10 million people overcome their fears of intimacy.

  • Our Vision sees a world where the ability for intimate connection is possible for everybody.
  • Our Mission is to pioneer training and research on intimacy anxiety and equip healers to work with those affected

The DiaNova Foundation is spiritual nonprofit, focused on: improving:

  • Improving awareness of intimacy anxiety
  • Enabling Early prevention of intimacy anxiety
  • Ensuring the safety and well-being of all involved in treating intimacy anxiety

The DiaNova Institute is the education arm of the DiaNova Foundation, and focuses on:

  • Training people on general intimacy skills
  • Training people on identifying intimacy anxiety
  • Training practitioners with specific skills to treat intimacy anxiety
  • Research on new procedures and questionnaires to improve identification and treatment of intimacy anxiety.

Join us! Help us in any way possible, or in multiple ways!

  • If you would like to donate, we would honor your contributions. We have an active program to give you feedback on the return on your social investment.
  • If you would like to be educated, take some our great modern courses and programs
  • If you would like to teach or research, contact our Dean of studies at the DiaNova Institute
  • If you would like to volunteer, we have many opportunities, especially for legal assistance and for helping people with intimacy anxiety overcome social fears.

With care,
David Floyer

President, DiaNova Foundation
San Francisco, CA